Jon Faber
Jon Faber is the current Chairman of the NZFPS and co-owner of Spiral Drillers Civil. His vision is to expand the Piling Federation’s reach, covering the full scope of the piling industry, from the major players to smaller businesses. Jon is passionate about fostering a unified voice to enhance safety, training, and quality standards.
Sean Henry
Sean Henry is the Vice Chairman of the NZFPS and a Director of CLL Solutions. CLL got involved in the NZFPS to strengthen the knowledge base within the NZ piling sector around Health & Safety and training. Of particular focus was the development of a structured career path for people in the industry, similar to a building apprenticeship. By doing this the piling sector would create a highly skilled workforce who would be proud to say; I am a piler!
Luke Clark
Luke is the Treasurer for the NZFPS and is Business Development Manager for Spiral Drillers Civil. Luke (working for Brian Perry Civil at the time) and other founding members recognised the need within the sector to give the piling market an industry voice. The aim was to improve the safety and quality standards but also provide a meaningful career pathway for people starting in the piling industry, generating a sense of pride and credibility to piling within the civil, commercial and residential markets for those with established careers and help to continually raise standards.
Alistair Briffett
Alistair is the NZFPS Secretary and Managing Director of March Construction. Alistair is Auckland based and brings to the NZFPS his experience and understanding of the benefits a well structured and vocal industry body can have, following 8 years spent working for the Soletanche Bachy group in London. Alistair has been involved with the NZFPS since its conception in 2019.
Paul Berriman
Paul heads up the Training Subcommittee of the NZFPS and is the Technical Manager at Brian Perry Civil Ltd. Paul and his team have been instrumental in adapting the Civil Infrastructure qualification to better align with the NZFPS employees and those wishing to enter the industry. This qualification is currently under review to adopt the recommended changes from 2024 onwards.
Mike Tokoma
Mike is the Health and Safety Subcommittee head and the Foundations Operations Manager at Brian Perry Civil. Mike places high priority on the safe application of civil engineering principles across foundations, ground improvement, marine, and roading projects. Mike’s role with the NZFPS is to collect and report on any significant Health and Safety issues in the industry and hold bi-monthly committee meetings, setting clear goals and continuously striving for improvement.
Nick Wharmby
Nick heads the Technical Subcommittee and is the Technical Manager at March Construction Ltd. Nick’s role is looking at engineering improvements that can benefit the industry as a whole. One such example is platform design for drill rigs and cranes in the industry. Together his committee issues platform design criteria for main contractors to follow.
Ryan Halverson
Ryan is a General Committee Member and Director of Halverson Civil. Ryan is Wellington-based and represents the small to medium size businesses involved in ground engineering. Ryan joined the NZFPS recognising that it provides a platform for raising awareness of the challenges the piling and foundation market face and actively works to source solutions to address these.
Adam Chapman
Adam is a General Committee Member and Director / General Manager of Geostabilization New Zealand Ltd. Adam is based in the Waikato and represents the smaller size businesses within the piling and ground engineering industry. Adam’s key driver behind joining the NZFPS is to create increased co-operation within the industry to allow all members to access safer and more sustainable work practices and improve the industry as a whole by sharing knowledge and experiences.